Make your stay emission-free and flexible
E-car rental
For your perfect holiday or business stay in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee we offer you a reasonably priced car rental possibility. No matter whether you arrive by plane or train, plan an excursion, make an appointment or want to be mobile to your heart’s content. A zero-emission e-car is available for you in the Lindwurm underground car park at Neuer Platz.

Rent an electric car (Renault Zoe, 5 spaces) with which you can explore Klagenfurt and its surroundings emission-free. You will not only cruise through Carinthia in an environmentally friendly way. The offer is also a highlight for your wallet: the price is super calculable – fixed and unbeatable!
1 day/up to 10 hours … € 50,- /more hours … 60 €,-
1 hour … € 5,-